People are saying Design Camp has changed their life.  Leslie Wood, one of our inaugural Austin Design Campers, would agree.  Leslie’s blog, Hadley Court, has  just been nominated to the Design Blogger’s Convention Hall of Fame Awards.  Hooray Leslie!!

Leslie Wood Design Blogger's Hall of Fame Award

hadley court blog

Leslie says, “I attended your Design Camp in Austin. I loved every minute of it!  Design camp was fantastic and really set me on the right path in social media, blogging, design, etc. I took everything I learned at Design Camp Austin,  applied it to my blog and social media plan and was I just nominated for top new design blog of the year. ” Only two months after Design Camp Leslie  has hit the blogging BIG TIME.

Now, here’s where we need your help, at Design Camp, we support our interior designers and we ask that you help Hadley Court win the award for best new blog.  Please click this link, it takes 2 seconds to vote and you don’t have to enter any person info.

Come to Design Camp Atlanta and witness for yourself how we can help  bring your interior design business to the next level and skyrocket your earning potential!

Register now to secure your spot at Design Camp Atlanta at gorgeous Fox Theater January 30-February.