So excited we’re mere days away from the DOSS (Designers On Social Summit) presented by Bobby Tsui. It’s the first entirely online summit for interior designers! It is super convenient. Make your self a pot of tea and kick back and enjoy from home! They’ve extended their Cyber Monday sales through Sunday for 50% off the All Access Pass. Follow this link and use promo code OOPS50 when you check out! Otherwise, register for limited access for FREE — yep completely free access for two days after the summit.

Lori Dennis on the Four Cornerstones of a Fulfilling Life

How to Create a Map to the Four Cornerstones of a Fulfilling Life

In Lori’s session, on December 10th, she sits down with Bobby Tsui, discussing the ways to create a map to the four cornerstones of a fulfilling life. She’s covering topics spanning from health and wellness to finance and relationships, and two lucky attendees will win copies of her newest book, The Quadrant Life. Here are some of the takeaways The Quadrant Life delves into:

The Quadrant Life Book Cover


  • Choosing Happy

One of the recurring themes in the book and throughout the session is taking personal responsibility. It’s not always easy, but examining the ways in which you may have agency and control to make yourself a little bit happier is foundational to designing your road map.

  • Embracing a Little Woo 

This part can be a big ask for some who wouldn’t classify themselves as spiritual in some capacity, and it’s not about going from 0 to 60 overnight. The spiritual quadrant, is, at its core, about admitting you don’t know everything, surrendering, and embracing the unknown. 

How to Create a Map to the Four Cornerstones of a Fulfilling Life from Lori Dennis on Vimeo.

  • Money Stories

Many of us grew up with toxic money stories that need to be unlearned in order to have a fulfilling financial quadrant. And once you learn healthy new money habits, it’s essential to marry that to the other cornerstones, infusing it with purpose. 

  • Health Habits

They say the way you do one thing is the way you do everything and that often becomes apparent  when you start examining unhealthy physical or mental habits. The Quadrant Life breaks down the ways you may be on a self-sabotaging path when it comes to your health and offers steps to course correct.

  • Winning Every Day

The Quadrant Life is all about getting you to take baby steps towards creating your most fulfilling life and celebrating the little wins everyday. Even the practice or recognizing your everyday wins will get you in the right mindset for success.